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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Day Giveaway

This is my final Christmas Giveaway. The Christmas Day giveaway. Oh dear... how late am I? I know... It is New Years Eve! That is me fashionably late... okay maybe just really late.

For our last Giveaway we are giving away...

A Year Of The Babylost Calendar

A personalized Beach Butterfly

A Gallery Beach Butterfly Of Your Choice

A CarlyMarie Image Personalized With The Name/s Of Your Choice

A Christmas Tree In The Sand For Next Year

A Name In The Sand Photograph

And A Beach Gift Pack Containing Some Sand And Seashells From The Childrens Beach

If you win this giveaway you win all of the above :)

We will be giving away some gallery and beach butterflies for runners up.

To enter this last giveaway make sure you are a reader (Follower) but I hate that word! on my blog or come and 'like' me on facebook! Leave a comment below on here or on my facebook page to enter the giveaway.

Good Luck everybody!


Laura said...

Oh Carly. You are a true blessing. I don't know if you remember, but we called my Reagan Butterfly so all of these images have so much meaning to me. Thank you for the kind work that you do!

Melissa said...

What an amazing giveaway...I love ALL of your work!!

Jenna said...

Thank you for your kindness and for helping us to remember our sweet babies.


Michelle said...

Your sight has warmed my heart for one of the very few times since losing my 2 year old daughter a year ago. Thank you so much for all that you do, you are a treasure and your work amazes me.
Thank you so very much,
Michelle... from Canada

Celia said...

I love your work. It is truly beautiful. I keep meaning to put in a request for my Noah's name to be written in the sand. I wish I had done so for the Christmas tree as it was so beautiful and would have made the perfect image for our Christmas cards. Maybe next year......

melinda said...

You ARE an Earth Angel to me. Remembering my Julia...

Unknown said...

Thanks for remembering our babies with us :) I'd love to have this collection for my baby, Eden.

Tiffany said...

i'm a follower and a friend on fb. what a great giveaway. <3

Michelle said...

Beautiful giveaway as always Carly. Good luck to everyone xo -Michelle

Angela said...

Carly, you truly are an earth angel. Thank you so much for what you do and for a chance to be in this giveaway.

All the best to you and your family for 2011!

Angela MItchell

Keith Bell said...

I'd like to get this for my wife in honor of Eden.

Angela said...

This is an amazing giveaway, Carly.

Brandi said...

Carly what an amazing giveaway. You have hepled me more than you will ever know deal with the loss of Xander in August.
Brandi from Indiana

Angie said...

Wow!! Carly you are incredibly generous. I would love to win this amazing giveaway. ♥

Aiden Kenneth

Life Without You said...

Your amazing for doing this..this is beautiful..

Hope to see my angle name SERENA LESLEY..miss her with all my heart

thank you for doing this

Trena said...

Oh Carly, this giveaway is amazing! You are such a blessing to all us BLM's ♥ I read (follow) your blog and I am a friend on FB. God bless you beautiful lady. ((hugs))

Nina said...

Wow, this is such a great giveaway!!! We just lost our baby girl Caroline 2 weeks ago. She was born still at almost 22 weeks, so we went to hospital with nothing to really remember her by. Something like this would be so great!

MaryB said...

Wow! This is absolutely wonderful!

Jen said...

Beautiful images and a wonderful giveaway!

Its me said...

I'd like to enter please.

Ames said...

Wow... a lovely giveaway... I doubt I'll win but if I do.. please put my sweet boy Noah Samuel's name on everything.

This would have been his first Christmas. It SHOULD have been his first Christmas. :(

Thanks Carly xx

Deanna said...

wow, Carly, you are amazing! We are all blessed to have found you! My precious River has brought me so many beautiful things in his short life. I hope that your family has a beautiful New Year's. Remembering our sweet boys, with love.

Kim said...

your work is amazing! this is such a wonderful thing that you do for parents. i would love to one day get a piece of your work in memory of my three angels!

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful thing you are doing. What a great give away! ~Roxane

Miss Christine said...

Oh MY!! I had tears in my eyes just reading that list! Blessings to you Carly for such a generous holiday gift. I would like to enter for my angel Georgie. Happy New Year to all. xo

Kristine said...

I nearly screamed out loud when I saw this. How awesome!

Narelle Schwartz said...

I would love to enter.

Thank you for coming into our lives with such a kind spirit.

Your suunshine has warmed a part of my heart i never thought could be healed after the loss of our much wanted bodhi

thank you for everything you do.

Melissa said...

This is the giveaway of giveaways & very much worth waiting for! Obviously I would love to win for my sweet angel, Lucy. Thank you so much for your incredible kindness & generosity.

Tracey said...

Wow truly amazing!! Love your work and your site.. For my beautiful Indie xox

Kelly said...

Merry (belated) Christmas Carly! Thanks for your friendship and support in 2010 xo I hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful 2011 :)

Lashley's Mom said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to win for my angel baby Lashley!

Misty said...

what an amazing giveaway! I love everything you do for all of us BLM's! Have a wonderful new year!

Melissa said...

Wow this is amazing! I have many of those things already but I would love to give some away and keep some sand from the beach and my new little angels name in the sand :)

Sophie said...

What an awesome giveaway Carly! I'm in!!!! xx

Tina said...

Especially on Kelsey's angelday, my heart is warmed by all you do for us! Your work is amazing and so appreciated. Thank you.

April said...

I would love to win this in memory of Morgan Alyssa Yodock and Blumpy <3 <3

Whittney said...

Your work is amazing. I would love to win this in memory of my son Owen.

Missy said...

Wow what a super awesome give away. You do so much for everyone and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

beccajo said...

this is so wonderful. what a great way to finish off a more than difficult holiday season without my littlest son.

stina978 said...

Wow! what a blessing this will be to whomever wins! I hope to win, for our babies and another of a friend...

Violet said...

bless you Carly, you do such amazing things. i know who ever wins will cherish it as much as i would

paula said...

this give away is so to admit my fingers are crossed that this is the one i finally win xx

Alissa said...

Wow...I would be absolutely honored to win any of this. Thank you for such a wonderful opportunity. ((Hugs))

Kelly said...

Amazing! What a collection to treasure xxoo

Alicia said...

First, thank you for everything you do so many people appreciate it :) This would be a great prize to Pay It Forward to the someone who I have met that has helped me through these difficult times and honor her baby :)

Allison said...

What an amazing giveaway. You have touched so many people through your work.

Brandon and Telisha said...

Carly, I just wanted to let you know that you are such an amazing person. I treasure all of the works of art that you have made for my precious Ethan. Christmas is really hard for me since we lost Ethan on the 20th of December last year and buried him on the 23rd. Celebrating Christmas this year was so so hard, but knowing that I have amazing people out there that understand how I feel helps me get through the days. I hope 2011 brings you lots of joy and again thank you so much!

Jody said...

Hey, Carly. I was thinking yesterday how glad I am to have come across your website a few months after Grant died. We are all so blessed to have each other's support and love on a daily basis. Thanks, always, for being there!


Unknown said...

Hi Carly, you have been told so often how much of an amazing lady you are for all your work and I hope you do realise how fantastic and beautiful all your work is.

Im really not sure what I should write only that I would love to win the above giveaway for my Max.

Hope you and your family had a wonderful christmas and I wish you all the best for the new year. x

Leanne said...

WOW! Carly, you are such a blessing to everyone. If I win I will be donating all of these to other BLM's. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

We never know what tomorrow may bring, all we have is hope. One special little boy Christian, his journey has brought all our families together. Renee ^i^ Georgia’s ^i^ & Max’s mamma xx

Unknown said...

wow wow wow.......what an amazing giveaway! it is so cool how you so generous and have such a deep desire to be a part of the journey of healing for others....what a huge heart you have! =)

Unknown said...

wow wow wow.......what an amazing giveaway! it is so cool how you so generous and have such a deep desire to be a part of the journey of healing for others....what a huge heart you have! =)

Mary said...

What an amazing giveaway Carly! I would so love this for my sweet little angel Olivia!

<3 Mary

blogrookie said...

Unbelievable generosity! The name Amy, please.

dArva said...

Another amazing giveaway! Crossing my fingers for this one!

Thanks for everything that you do Carly... your work is something that can help many families in one of their worst times in life. I am soo glad I stumbled across your site last year!

Jus and Kat said...

Of course I follow your blog, sweet Carly! Peace, love, and blessing for the New Year my dear!

Mary said...

What a great giveaway! I REALLY want a calender! If I don't win, I will have to order one!

Erika said...

carly, that is the motherlode! if i won, i would donate all the prizes to mamas with recent losses who are really hurting right now. well, except for the calendar. i might keep that for myself! ha! you are awesome!!!

Jenn said...

This is such an awesome giveaway! I hope I win!

Stephanie said...

What a fabulous giveaway. I hope I win!!

johanna said...

Wow those are some amazing gifts. I wish we could all win. You do the moat beautiful things to help us keep our babies alive within our homes. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower :) what a HUGE gift!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! Thank you so much for all that you do for our angel babies. I'm already a follower of both your FB & your blog. What an amazing giveaway! Many blessings for 2011.

Rochelle Luaders said...

I love your work, Carly. Thanks for all you do.

Shirley said...

Nice giveaway! I wish I could win it.

Melissa said...

Wow! Such a big and wonderful giveaway! I would love to win one of the personalized butterflies, they are so beautiful. Thank you for what all you do <3

Alex said...

Wow!!! Pick me! Or more importantly my sweet angel Taylor

Bethany said...

Wow...what an amazing giveaway. Bless you, and best wishes for a happy new year!

Rikki said...

WOW what a awesome giveaway! because i have already won oe i wasnt going to enter anymore but this is so amazing that i cant help myself and i would love a calendar. <3

Laura said...

So beautiful!!!! You are amazing!!! So thankful for your sweet work and your sweet heart Carly!
Pearl's mama

smile_billy_ray said...

They are all beautiful!!! I love them all!!! I want ao much to have any of them with my sons name on it, he passed away in March of this year.

Thanks ~ Ramona

Love Letter's Baby said...

Reduced to tears by your beautiful work, and generousity . Lateness is good, very good! Blessings to you, yours and all our angels this holiday season <3 ~Owens first heavenly Christmas~

Katy said...

Hi Carly;

I am posting on behalf of my best friend who lost twins 7 years ago at 23 weeks gestation. I am (and have been for a while) trying to find that 'perfect thing' that will let her know that I have not forgotten her angels and that I care for her very much. She has had two more children, a girl and a boy, but her first babies (two boys) will always be in her heart, and I want her to know that they are in mine as well.
Thank you so much for the work that you do, and I am following you via facebook!

Tara said...

What a wonderful prize. So much goodness. You're work is amazing. Thank you so much for all you do.

Cheri C. said...

I just got home from work and saw this amazing giveaway. I would still give it all to Charles Patrick's mother if I won. Thanks for being such a giving person!! May you have a very Happy New Year!!

Saya said...

I am entering on behalf of my mom, aunt, and several friends who all have little angels! I am totally amazed by your kindness and generosity. I would love to be able to do things like this for all of my friends and family as well as the rest of moms and dads to sweet angels! Keep doing what you are doing you are one of a few truly amazing people in the world! If I were to win I would give all of these wonderful things to my mom, who would give anything to have something from my little brother!

Becky's Mum said...

What a kind and generous give away Carly, thank you. I would love to win these for my sweet angel Rebecca - your photos bring me much peace. I love the ocean and the beach and you have captured it so beautifully in so many ways.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year. I hope 2011 brings you all much happiness.

Crystal Theresa said...

Wow, what an amazing giveaway :). It's definitely worth the wait - plus, Christmas season isn't over, yet. Happy New Year!

Caroline said...

What a great giveaway !!!! You do some amazing work.

Happy New Year

Diane said...

Thank you Carly for this wonderful opportunity. I would love to win this for DYLAN ROSE.
Happy New Year to you and yours.xo

Jane said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway!

What beautiful art!

I would love to win these for my Noah.

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Your work has helped to bring us some peace over the holiday season. We lost our Erika on 10/9 due to injuries from a car accident. She would have been 19 on 11/2. At least we had almost 19 wonderful years with her where many of your readers were not so lucky. Peace to all of you.

Terry Hardison said...

Your work is wonderful! My little great-niece, Angel Ryan Elizabeth, lives on in our hearts forever. Your work brings comfort to so many mommies that have lost babies. To Ryan's mommy, my niece, I love you and hope this helps give you some peace. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

What amazing work and how it is helping so many, Thank you for the comfort you are giving to us all. God Bless you and all that have lost love ones. Our family will never forget our Angel Ryan Elizabeth and she will live in our hearts forever. We love you Ryan! Grandpa

Rebecca McVey said...

I love this site. After my nephew was murdered, this site helps me and my family cope better.

Shannon Casey said...

Your calendar is beautiful. All of your work is beautiful. Thank you for all you do for parents who have lost children.

Lisa said...

What an amazingly generous giveaway, I would be so grateful to win! Would love to have these for my angels and my BFF's angel too.
Good Luck to everyone!

The Bragg's said...

Feeling like it was luck to find the link to the giveaway... Would be honored to win. In loving memory of my twin angels, Kiersten born sleeping and her sister who lived 2 weeks Brooklyn.

With love.

Debbie said...

Your site has been a wonderful resource for my daughter since the loss of her baby girl, Ryan Elizabeth. Bless you for whatever respite you have given her broken heart.

MEK said...

This would be a great one to win. I would my sons name Kenner. Except for the sand name, I already have one. I would do my Friend baby who just passed away Nevaeh.

Carly said...

Carly, You have such a huge heart! Thanks for doing this!

meeyeehere said...

OH wow what a terrific giveaway! I would love to win all of this! So GREAT!! I am a gfc friend.Instead of follower I like to say friend.
Thanks so much for the chance. My niece's name is Delilah and it looks lovely written in the sand!

Cynthia said...

What a wonderful gift, Carly. You are such an amazing woman.

Brianna said...

What an OUTSTANDING giveaway. If I won this I would hopefully be able to have some of the images made for some of my friends at my local support group. What an amazing giveaway.

Jaime said...

You are truly an amazing and inspiring woman, Carly. What you are doing on a daily basis to help heal our hearts is remarkable. Thank you for your support and comfort.


Jessica Viggiano said...

Wow, i just can't imagine what I would do if I were the winner of this. It would certainly bring some cheer to my life.

Kimberly said...

What a generous giveaway!

Thanks for all that you do to bring some comfort and peace to so many hurting families.

Your work is amazing, and I hope that your New Year will be even more blessed.

Unknown said...

I would love to have my littleman's name, Cody, written in the sand by you.

Amanda said...

Love your work.

Unknown said...

Carly you do beautiful work! I would love to be your last winner!

Anonymous said...

Now that is one amazing give away!!!!
Beautiful work by a beautiful person.
Im sure whoever wins will get so much hope and peace out of their prize. Good luck to everyone.

Sarah said...

Beautiful Carly. Your work is amazing. Thank you for using your gifts to bless others, even through grief.

jeanette miller said...

There are few words to express our thanks for your heartfelt work.... many tears.. not only of sadness, but of appreciation for the memories of our angels. Something to acknowledge our beautiful babies, that were only in our arms for such a short time. xx

Anonymous said...

WOW what an awesome giveaway!!! I would love to win this so that I could share some of these items with my dear friend who lost her baby one week before my loss.
Your work is so beautiful Carly! I received my name in the sand this morning and have been looking at it all day
Thank You xoxoxox
Good Luck Ladies


dnile said...

Love your work Carly! Thanks for all your hard work creating such beautiful images!

sleepy* said...

For Brandon Lee Beck...thx

sleepy* said...

For Brandon Lee Beck...thx

Famille Wopat said...

I would be so honored to win this giveaway. You are an amazing woman.

Tiffany's Butterfly Angels said...

I a follower on both. What an awsome give away. so nice of you to do this.

Mrs. A said...

WOW! What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for housting these giveaways Carly. They, like you, have been amazing!

Phillip said...

for my girls.....thank you

Phillip said...

forgot to leave my email in above comment: